Semalem dapat video dari IWAN temen gw a.k.a BASSIST of CAMPUZ, katanya sih Gokil getooo deh...oleh karena penasaran, langsung aje deh gw tonton tuh video, awalnya liat file judulnya Volare...wah tu kan kayanya judul lagu yg latin-latin gitu deh...n saat d'PLAY, n menyaksikan dengan seksama,anc**t sumpah keren banget guyz,gilaaa lucu tw lagi deh apa lage yang bisa gw ungkapin buat menyampaikan perasaan yg gw rasain waktu nonton tuh video,halah...haha....Trus ternyata ga cuma 1 video yg dia bawa,ada 2 lagi yang sama gila hebohnya...nah mungkin masih bingung n belum tau apa sih yg bikin lucu. Oke gw kasih tau, disitu ada 2 anak muda yang ber-LIPSING ria didepan WEBCAM (kayanya sih), Dua anak muda ini berasal dari Manila, Philipina. Mereka adalah ROADFILL dan MOYMOY.
Nih Biodata Mereka, tapi maaf sebelumnya kalau in English gt deh,soalnya Gw ga jago Brithis...hehe :
Zodiac: Virgo
Hobbies and Interests: PSP, Videoke, ipod, surfing youtube
He likes: Calling him his own name "roadfill" instead of palaboy, or moymoy (cause other people thought he is moymoy)
Favorite sign: *wink!
Favorite TV shows: Bubble Gang, Death Note
Favorite attire: Hooded jacket + pants + tsinelas + earplug
Ultimate idol: Michael V.
Facts about roadfill:
-loves watching movies at cinemas
-loves movie marathon in DVD's
-loves videoke with people who loves videoke too.
-loves singing in a duet.
-loves adding new true friends.
-loves collecting hooded jackets.
-loves drawing
-appreciates art.. all kinds of it.
-has background in street dancing
-in high school, participates on poster-making-contests and sometimes won. (luckily)
-enjoys hanging out with happy-go-lucky people
-hates boredom.
-trying hard bisaya daw ako sabi ni moymoy (because i can speak cebuano but not that good, malambot daw ako magbisaya)
-loves listening to music from vocals to the very last part of the instruments)
-is full of thoughts. sometimes freezes when something comes in mind... tuliro/tulala.
Zodiac: cancer
Hobbies and Interests: basketball, NBA live, RPG games, Music Lover
he likes: Tuyo and Kare Kare
Favorite sign: Marcos sign
Favorite TV shows: Maury , Jerry Springer show
favorite attire: Printed Tshirts skinny jeans and snickers
Ultimate idol: Dr Dre , Snoop Dogg, Axel Rose, Kurt Cobain
Facts about moymoy:
-loves creating new style
-loves drinking with friends
-love to draw
-loves playing basketball
-loves dancing
-loves collecting printed shirt
Dari beberapa video yg gue tonton, paling berkesan ma Volare n Marimar, swear 2 video tuh bikin gw ngakak berat...hahahaha....Ekspresi mereka tuh NYATA banget, gokil gilaaa deh.... Gw rekomendasiin banget deh buat loe-loe yang lagi bete ma aktivitas2 yang gitu2 aja... Gw jamin law loe manusia NORMAL, n punya jiwa HUMOR, Loe pasti ngakak liat ni video...
Loe bisa masuk k' WEBSITE MOYMOYPALABOY atau bisa search d'YOUTUBE...Ada banyak banget Video Amatir mereka disana....Download deh,trus nonton....saksikan keGILAan mereka (MOYMOYPALABOY).
Visit Web Mereka d
Buat yang mau Download MARIMAR klik DISINI.
Buat yang mau Download VOLARE masuk KESINI.n download dari sana..hehehe
Jangan Lupa loh,masih banyak video Lucu bin Gokil Lainnya...
Thanks Buat IWAN yang udah ngasih unjuk video ini......Gokillllllllll.....
Nih Biodata Mereka, tapi maaf sebelumnya kalau in English gt deh,soalnya Gw ga jago Brithis...hehe :
Zodiac: Virgo
Hobbies and Interests: PSP, Videoke, ipod, surfing youtube
He likes: Calling him his own name "roadfill" instead of palaboy, or moymoy (cause other people thought he is moymoy)
Favorite sign: *wink!
Favorite TV shows: Bubble Gang, Death Note
Favorite attire: Hooded jacket + pants + tsinelas + earplug
Ultimate idol: Michael V.
Facts about roadfill:
-loves watching movies at cinemas
-loves movie marathon in DVD's
-loves videoke with people who loves videoke too.
-loves singing in a duet.
-loves adding new true friends.
-loves collecting hooded jackets.
-loves drawing
-appreciates art.. all kinds of it.
-has background in street dancing
-in high school, participates on poster-making-contests and sometimes won. (luckily)
-enjoys hanging out with happy-go-lucky people
-hates boredom.
-trying hard bisaya daw ako sabi ni moymoy (because i can speak cebuano but not that good, malambot daw ako magbisaya)
-loves listening to music from vocals to the very last part of the instruments)
-is full of thoughts. sometimes freezes when something comes in mind... tuliro/tulala.
Zodiac: cancer
Hobbies and Interests: basketball, NBA live, RPG games, Music Lover
he likes: Tuyo and Kare Kare
Favorite sign: Marcos sign
Favorite TV shows: Maury , Jerry Springer show
favorite attire: Printed Tshirts skinny jeans and snickers
Ultimate idol: Dr Dre , Snoop Dogg, Axel Rose, Kurt Cobain
Facts about moymoy:
-loves creating new style
-loves drinking with friends
-love to draw
-loves playing basketball
-loves dancing
-loves collecting printed shirt
Dari beberapa video yg gue tonton, paling berkesan ma Volare n Marimar, swear 2 video tuh bikin gw ngakak berat...hahahaha....Ekspresi mereka tuh NYATA banget, gokil gilaaa deh.... Gw rekomendasiin banget deh buat loe-loe yang lagi bete ma aktivitas2 yang gitu2 aja... Gw jamin law loe manusia NORMAL, n punya jiwa HUMOR, Loe pasti ngakak liat ni video...
Loe bisa masuk k' WEBSITE MOYMOYPALABOY atau bisa search d'YOUTUBE...Ada banyak banget Video Amatir mereka disana....Download deh,trus nonton....saksikan keGILAan mereka (MOYMOYPALABOY).
Visit Web Mereka d
Buat yang mau Download MARIMAR klik DISINI.
Buat yang mau Download VOLARE masuk KESINI.n download dari sana..hehehe
Jangan Lupa loh,masih banyak video Lucu bin Gokil Lainnya...
Thanks Buat IWAN yang udah ngasih unjuk video ini......Gokillllllllll.....
salam kenal aja buat mereka
pasangan ngadat tuh,,hhahaha,,
@ Pencerah
Yo'i, ntar gw salamkan bro...hohoho...
@ Kahfinyster
tu orang mahhh.... saraf ny udah bnyk yg copot,
gazebo bgt siii !!!!!
lagyan , buang waktu aja nntn aksi mrka,
mnding juga ke mall, shopping n shopping ....
Salam kenal buat mereka juga =)
gila beneran,,
hiks broomku lagi lelet udah lewat jatahnya :(
belom bisa ikutan download..
muantep . . .
plototin blog
ternyata ada juga orang normal d dunia ini... hahahaahahaha.........
hehe makasih ya udah ksh tau nama moymoypalaboy, lagian susah banget cari nama mereka, bahasa nya aneh,, hehe
sumpah gokilllllllllll bgt,pas wat ngehibur org yg lg strees!!!!!!!!!!!:o
ea aku juga suka banget
dulu dikasih tahu sama temen sma
gokil n camend banget dah
menghibur hati yang lara
mnurut gw 2 manusia itu gokill...
mreka PD nunjukin ide mreka...
dan akhirnya juga seluruh dunia(mngkin),bs knal sama mereka...
minta link2x yang lain dong...yg bohemian rhapsody ma girlfriend :D
hahahhahahhaaa,,,,ngakak jingkar liat mereka yg d wannabe'nya spice girl (ud liat blom? *wink)
btw, lam kenal yaaaaa.... gw anak unmul jg :)
pgemar brtnya ka moymoy
minta link downloadnya lagi dong yang lain
yg WANNABE jg seruu n lucu bgt loo . . hehehee
Yang Marimar itu gila banget tau ga seh... Whuakakakakakakakak
thanks moymoy palaboy, amal lo banyak udah banyak bikin orang ketawa,wokowkokwokwok......
inie jg gag kalah GILA :
leat ajah....wkwkwk.....